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dc.contributor.advisorFlores Garcia, Eybis Jose
dc.contributor.authorSanchez Torres, Gina Paola
dc.identifier.citationSanchez-Torres, G. P. (2011). Niveles de resistencia de genotipos promisorios de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), colección ICT para moniliophthora roreri en la región San Martín. Tesis para optar el grado de Ingeniero Agrónomo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Tarapoto, Perú.es_PE
dc.description.abstractIn Peru, very few studies have focused on the selection of genotypes with resistance to frosty pod and other diseases, however, in recent years did work cocoa collection basin of the Ucayali and Huallaga, to select promising genotypes of cacao collection ICT with higher levels of resistance to M. roreri. The genotypes were evaluated by artificial infection under natural infection conditions in the U.S.-The Choclino, managed under the traditional system (TS). Artificial inoculation inoculum for the pathogen in fruits of three months of age obtained by controlled pollination, eight weeks after inoculation were evaluated external severity (ES) and internal (SI) of the fruit. genotypes and ICT- 2161 y ICT- 2504 were classified as susceptible (ISI> 3,76), ICT-1281; ICT-2702; ICT-2174; ICT-2705; ICT-2173; ICT-1026 and ICT-1382 moderately susceptible (3,75 > ISI> 2,51) and ICT-2171; ICT-2315; ICT-1104; ICT-2492; ICT-1189; CT-1414; ICT-2501; ICT-2175; ICT-2165; ICT-2825; ICT-2703 and ICT-2152 moderately resistant (2,51> ISI> 1,25). genotypes while ICT-2821; ICT-1043; ICT-1561; ICT-1087; ICT-1251; ICT-1506; ICT-1187; ICT-1292; ICT-1182; ICT-1092; ICT-2824; ICT-1176; ICT-2653; ICT-2142; ICT-2172; ICT-1112; ICT-2823 and ICT-2163 were classified as resistant (1,25> ISI> 0,0). For Natural infection was moniliasis assessments every 30 days. We calculated the incidence and AUDPC. genotypes ICT- 1026; ICT- 1043; ICT- 1187; ICT- 1251; ICT- 1292; ICT- 1382; ICT- 1414; ICT- 2161; ICT- 2165; ICT- 2174; ICT- 2315; ICT- 2504; ICT- 2821 and ICT-2825 with AUDPC <50, showed resistance to M. roreri. While genotypes, ICT-1043, ICT-1187, ICT- 1251, ICT- 1292, ICT- 2821 were classified as resistant to infection with M. roreri both artificial and natural inoculum.en_US
dc.description.abstractEl Perú, son escasos los trabajos orientados a la selección de genotipos con resistencia a la moniliasis y otras enfermedades, sin embargo, en los últimos años se hicieron trabajos de colección de cacao en cuencas del Ucayali y Huallaga, para seleccionar genotipos promisorios de cacao colección ICT con niveles superiores de resistencia a M. roreri. Los genotipos fueron evaluados, mediante infección artificial y bajo condiciones de infección natural en la EE-El Choclino, manejado bajo el sistema tradicional (TS). Para Inoculación Artificial se inoculo el patógeno en frutos de tres meses de edad obtenidas por polinización controlada, después de ocho semanas de inoculado fueron evaluados la severidad externa (SE) y interna (SI) del fruto. los genotipos ICT- 2161 y ICT- 2504 fueron calificados como susceptibles (ISI > 3,76), ICT-1281; ICT-2702; ICT-2174; ICT-2705; ICT-2173; ICT-1026 y ICT-1382 moderadamente susceptible (3,75 > ISI > 2,51) y ICT-2171; ICT-2315; ICT-1104; ICT-2492; ICT-1189; CT-1414; ICT-2501; ICT-2175; ICT-2165; ICT-2825; ICT-2703 y ICT-2152 moderadamente resistente (2,51 > ISI >1,25). Mientras los genotipos ICT-2821; ICT-1043; ICT-1561; ICT-1087; ICT-1251; ICT-1506; ICT-1187; ICT-1292; ICT-1182; ICT-1092; ICT-2824; ICT-1176; ICT-2653; ICT-2142; ICT-2172; ICT-1112; ICT-2823 y ICT-2163 se clasificaron como resistentes (1,25 > ISI >0,0). Para Infección Natural las evaluaciones de moniliasis fue cada 30 días. Se calculo la incidencia y el AUDPC. Los genotipos ICT- 1026; ICT- 1043; ICT- 1187; ICT- 1251; ICT- 1292; ICT- 1382; ICT- 1414; ICT- 2161; ICT- 2165; ICT- 2174; ICT- 2315; ICT- 2504; ICT- 2821 y ICT- 2825 con AUDPC <50, mostraron resistencia a M. roreri. Mientras los genotipos ICT-1043, ICT-1187, ICT- 1251, ICT- 1292, ICT- 2821 se clasificaron como resistentes a la infección de M. roreri tanto para inoculo artificial y natural.es_PE
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editoriales_PE
dc.sourceRepositorio - UNSMes_PE
dc.subjectGenotipos promisorios de cacaoes_ES
dc.titleNiveles de resistencia de genotipos promisorios de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), colección ICT para moniliophthora roreri en la región San Martínes_PE
dcterms.typeíaes_PE Nacional de San Martín. Facultad de Ciencias Agrariases_PE Agrónomoes_PE
renati.jurorRios Ruiz, Winston Franzes_PE
renati.jurorDoria Bolaños, Manueles_PE
renati.jurorCueva Benavides, Armandoes_PE
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