Benito-Vargas, Raysa M.


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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jan-2023Level of Knowledge Regarding Mpox among Peruvian Physicians during the 2022 Outbreak: A Cross-Sectional StudyGonzales-Zamora, Jose A. ; Soriano-Moreno, David R. ; Soriano-Moreno, Anderson N. ; Ponce-Rosas, Linda ; Sangster-Carrasco, Lucero ; De-Los-Rios-Pinto, Abraham ; Benito-Vargas, Raysa M. ; Murrieta-Ruiz, Valentina ; Morocho-Alburqueque, Noelia ; Caira-Chuquineyra, Brenda ; Fernandez-Guzman, Daniel ; Ccami-Bernal, Fabricio ; Quispe-Vicuña, Carlos ; Alarcon-Parra, Mariano ; Pinedo Soria, Antony ; Alave, Jorge